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Technological High School Nr. 1 Alexandria is a high school with a tradition in the landscape of technological education Teleorman, with a special material base, in which the workshops and laboratories have all the facilities necessary to carry out the specialized practice. Lately, it is in line with the general trend of the technological high schools, with a significant decrease of the school population, being disadvantaged, among other factors and the geographical position, in an adjacent of the city.
Within the Technological High School no. 1 in Alexandria employs 54 teachers. The high school has a staff of 655 students (514 rural residents), divided into 27 classes of day and evening courses, which are trained in the following fields: mechanical, electrical, economic, public and sport.
Lack of adequate school and professional counseling, inadequate information of parents regarding vocational training offers and opportunities for qualification, as well as opportunities for obtaining a qualification, the mentality of families in technological education, together with those listed above, are also , reasons why high school is the last option for students to enroll in high school and lead to high schools, almost exclusively for students with very low admissions
Thus, the students who go to the Technological High School Nr. 1 Alexandria are students from socio-economic disadvantaged families: precarious material situation, single-parent families, parents working abroad - children in the care of grandparents or other relatives (28 students), students with serious educational and training deficiencies, very low graduation and very low levels of national assessment.
Also at school, many students are Roma, without a report, who drop out of school or have a very low frequency, lack of interest for study and training, due to ethnic traditions and customs.
The poor economic development of the county and the Alexandria area, the insufficient demand for labor, the lack of strong economic agents to ensure the absorption of the new work force, lead to a decrease in the interest for pursuing the Alexandrian High School specializations.
Given the above, the problems faced by high school students and the causes they determine are:
1. The higher rate of school absenteeism, determined by:
• the poor financial situation of families, the low level of education, the lack of involvement in supporting the education and training of their children;
• the family school relationship, often unidirectional (only from school to family), initiative and family involvement are often missing;
• the school is not always able to counteract the negative effects of the informal area, outside it;
2. Low graduation rate caused by:
• a small amount of initial knowledge;
• low motivation for learning, with a rather low job offer for beginners;
• lack of a vision on one's own educational and professional path;
• young people are not educated in school for "change";
• social and professional communication skills of under-developed students;
• self-confidence of students, which leads to difficulties in expressing personal opinions, but also to the absence of future projections that motivate the student to perform.
4. Decline the motivation for successfully completing the studies, due to the insufficient involvement of social and economic factors in supporting the integration of graduates in the labor market with a low standard of living, as well as the situations in which parents are forced to go to work abroad.




"This project was funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication only reflects the views of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. "

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