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ZIVAC GROUP is a behavioral research center specialized in training, counseling, training, behavioral analysis, evaluation and training and conducting rigorous research studies on the many ways in which emotions and perceptions have an impact on human behavior. Areas of expertise: behavioral analysis, criminal behavior, organizational behavior, financial behavior, marketing, social psychology, social network analysis.

Areas of expertise: our resources, our expertise and training are currently used by corporations, government institutions, law enforcement agencies, companies and professionals from various fields in Romania. We have the skills to respond promptly to requests, offering different intervention solutions.

ZIVAC is an organization in which the reflection and the individual / collective learning lead to the improvement of the working models, the objectives of achievement and innovation. Therefore, external staff and experts are encouraged to learn from their day-to-day experience in our projects in different ways, by critically reflecting on what has been done effectively, what could have been better, and the implications. that a project could have on future work. We constantly evaluate the impact of our efforts and strive to make visible and sustainable changes.

The activities carried out by ZIVAC refer to:

- Developing skills, social inclusion and moving from school to work, support and empowerment of disadvantaged young people:

- Active aging, intergenerational activities and support for frail and dependent elderly

- Prevention of abuse and discrimination in the elderly

- Fighting poverty, supporting employability and social inclusion of disadvantaged groups

- Behavioral research studies - Behavior in adolescents, geographical crime profile: comparative models, juvenile delinquency.

- Training provider - Zivac is accredited by the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education through the National Authority for Qualifications for organizing the specialization program for qualification / occupation / grouping as a trainer and for organizing the specialization program for qualification / occupation / grouping of competences Information in business. Courses based on an innovative methodology, interactivity and cognitive behavioral observation of an individual, case studies, simulations, company programs, open workshops or individual sessions. Zivac issues qualification certificates, recognized at European level.

- Behavior analysis and evaluation - Individual, group or corporate behavior analysis and evaluation, Truth assessment and lie detection - Simulated behavior detection, Psychological evaluation, Profiling, IQ and personality testing, Crisis management, Behavioral research.

- Consulting-Profiling - at the individual level, for key persons in companies or for a potential candidate in the management position. Organizational profiling - X-ray of the company in terms of performance and challenges, human resources, market and competition, vulnerabilities, information security. Criminal profiling - Psychology of witnesses, victimism, psychological autopsy, computerized crime profiling, investigative psychology.

Negotiation - personal intervention involving a ZIVAC specialist to prepare or accompany the team involved in important company negotiations. Using the FACS method, body language and advanced knowledge of NLP, the ZIVAC specialist can easily understand the intentions and strategies of the opponents.

Truth assessment and lie detection - Detecting simulated behavior either inside the company (which can be a vulnerability or threat - for example, leaking information for competition) or outside (externally).

Competitive information and counter-intelligence - Consulting and support services for companies or assistance in developing internal functions, which is a major asset for the competitiveness and security of any company. Our competences:

- Project management

- Social research

- Pilot projects in the social field

- Electronic training and learning

- Validation of the skills acquired informally

- Information, counseling and matching services and health care services

As part of its activities, Zivac has promoted several projects at local, national and European level and has strong network capabilities with local, regional, foundations, NGOs, trade unions, employment centers, social cooperatives.



"This project was funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication only reflects the views of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. "

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